debt instrument
英 [det ˈɪnstrəmənt]
美 [det ˈɪnstrəmənt]
- a written promise to repay a debt
- At its most simplistic level, asset securitization is the issuance of a debt instrument backed by a revenue-producing asset of the issuing company.
最简单的说,资产证券化是以发行公司的能产生现金流的资产为支撑而发行的有价债券。 - Face value: The value on the face of certificate conferring possession of a bond, note or other instrument, and in the case of debt instrument, the amount to be redeemed at maturity.
面值:指表明债券、票据或其他契据所有权的证明书表面所显示的价值,也指债务证券到期时赎回价值。 - It also means creating a debt instrument that investors can believe in.
此外,还有必要创造出一种新的债券投资品种,让投资人可以放心投资。 - The issuance of a common debt instrument would require such fiscal integration, ostensibly extinguishing the core problem.
而发行统一的欧洲债券需要一体化的财政,只有这样才可能解决核心问题。 - I see the three following scenarios as the most plausible outcomes: a political union with a joint debt instrument; the status quo enforced by eternal austerity; or a break-up.
我认为,以下三种情形是最有可能出现的结果:一个拥有共同债务工具的政治联盟;靠实施长期性紧缩来维持现状;解体。 - The guarantor shall be any person other than the one already liable for the bill. The interest rate on a debt instrument expressed in terms of a percent on an annualized basis that the issuer guarantees to pay the holder until maturity.
保证人由汇票债务人以外的他人担当。一种利率,是出票人在票据到期时,向持有者支付的债务工具的年金的百分比。 - Bullet bond a regular coupon paying debt instrument with a single repayment of principal on the maturity date.
期末一次性偿还债券定期支付息票的债务工具,在到期日一次性偿还本金。 - Sep11th2008 From The Economist print edition An ancient debt instrument may help America after Fannie and Freddie.
房利美和房地美之后,古老的债务证券或许能够帮助美国。 - Subordinated debt as an emerging financial instrument has many advantages.
而次级债作为一种新兴金融工具,具有很多的优越性,可以成为我国商业银行补充资本的重要渠道之一。 - In the late 1980s, due to a debt crisis in emerging economies, banks exited from the sovereign debt market by means of the Brady plan, which resulted in a shift towards bonds as the principal instrument of sovereign debt.